You've been following this blog, you know plastic bags are a nuisance, you'd like to see them off your beaches and outta your sushi.....
LA County has been considering a bag ban for some time, following San Francisco's lead. This is a big move, and there is clearly tremendous opposition from "the industry" (read petroleum, huge financial interests, war....) Such that the process has been stalled. See Heal The Bay's Website for more background.
Now is the time to make your voice heard! Sign Heal The Bay's petition to ban plastic bags in LA County, let the Board of Supervisors know how you feel. Lets work together to bag the bag and kick some plASStic.
"..plastic bag use is increasing at an exponential rate in the County of Los Angeles, throughout California, and worldwide. In Los Angeles County alone, a estimated 600 bags per erson are used each year. Millions of barrels of oil are used each year in the United States to manufacture plastic bags. Unfortunately, these bags are seldom recycled. The California Integrated Waste Management Board estmates that less than 5% of plastic bags consumed in the state are recycled."

1 comment:
I found your blog through Going Green. Great stuff! I'll be back.
I'd totally be in on the Plastic Bag Ban in LA County if I still lived there. Frankly, it's something for every city to aspire to. Those bags are evil!
I'm part of a local Green group that is working on an anti-idling campaign but maybe we'll move a plastic bag ban to the next goal.
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