I joined Marcus Eriksen from the Algalita Marine Research Foundation, to attend the first Forecast Earth Summitt hosted by the Weather Channel, with 22 young eco-ambassadors from all over the US. The students, selected for their outstanding committment to sustainability, spent a whirlwind weekend participating in workshops, hearing presentations from speakers, going on various green tours around the Capitol....
And learning all about the plastics plague.

For many students, one of the weekend highlights was building a raft out of recycled plastic bottles with Marcus, test floating it in the Potomac River, and watching the two of us successfully paddle -using two old crutches fashioned into paddles - to the other side.
It was without a doubt a memorable way for these super inspiring students to learn more about plastics issues, after a morning of indoor presentations on the subject, including some hands on activities - dissecting Albatross boluses to quantify plastic contents, making super strong, boatworthy rope with hundreds of plastic bags, and crafting PSAs about various ecological issues. I have no doubt they will take their new found knowledge back to their communities, and inspire positive action. Read more about these future leaders here.

Marcus and a student test the raft for floatability.....

....before I hop in, and help paddle across river.
Mission accomplished!
Thanks to Erik Lesser for the awesome images.
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